Where where you born: Houston
Who are your main Influences: Miles Davis, Prince, Frank Zappa, Lao Tzu, Buddha, my sister, Kim Wilson, just to name a few
Favorite Food: Definitely Indian or Thai
Favorite Vacation Spot: As an active musician I don’t get many vacations except for a few trips to California during the year. Alaska is top of the list however.
Favorite Drink: The always tasty Kriek lambic
Desert Island Albums: My 160G iPod with over 10,000 songs
Greatest Live Concerts: All of them
First Song You Learned to Play: A middle eastern sounding thing on clarinet
Little Known Facts: I played with Gary Clark Jr. at Joe’s Generic Bar and other places when he was still in high school. I have painted probably over 150 paintings (mostly musicians that have influenced me), but no Clutch Kings paintings yet.